There are many of websites online which claim that you can make loads of quick money by taking paid surveys and you can completely rely on these websites as a single source of you income. But the fact is that the money made by you in genuine sites will only be able to be a small addition to your existing income and cannot actually replace it.
Here are a few ways in which you can identify if a website is genuine or not.
1. The purpose of a survey is mainly to get response from a desired group of people for making various business decisions. This being the case, if you are ever asked to make a payment for signing up with a survey site or if it asks you for your credit card information, be rest assured it is not legitimate. This is because you are the one who is going to give the required business information through the survey site, so it should actually be the survey website that should pay you for spending your time to provide it the required information.
2. The second most important thing that should be noticed when deciding on the legitimacy of a survey website, try to locate the Privacy policy of the website. Make sure that it has something which states or implies that you personal information will not be sold to third party websites. If it doesn’t state it or worse if does not even have a Privacy Policy section be rest assured this is a fake website.
3. Check for the Contact Us link in the website to see if there is a proper address, telephone number and a email address is given. If there is absolutely no way to get in touch with them, it is not a legitimate site.
4. Next thing that you can do is, you could search online for reviews about the particular survey site. For example: if you would like to know if website is genuine you could search online with the search terms like reviews (look for reviews in more than one site), or legitimate and such and make a decision based on your interpretation of the search results.
5. You can also look for privacy seal from Webtrust, TrustE which helps to show how serious the company take the privacy of its customers.
If you follow the Five steps stated above am sure you will be able to spot genuine survey websites that actually pay you from fake ones. Good Luck !
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